sábado, 4 de febrero de 2012

Test results reveal what makes a twin white or black

Self-study activity:
This BBC video clip may be of primary interest to Biology students. I picked it up for other reasons: We have the opportunity to get acquainted with two very distinct English accents: a northern accent from Leeds, the girl, who you might find difficult to pick up, and a Scottish accent, the doctor, which should be a blessing for all language learners.

Watch the clip and say whether the statements below are true or false.

1 In the chart, the colour for European is blue and for African is green.
2 The girl's genes are exactly 50% European and 50% African.
3 The girl's mother was 20% European.
4 The reason why one of the twins is black and the other white is just chance.
5 If the girl has more children with a white father it's likely they will be black.

You can read the transcript here.

1F 2T 3F 4T 5T