domingo, 2 de enero de 2011

How to Stick to New Year's Resolutions

Self-study activity:
Watch the video on how to stick to a new year’s resolution and say whether the statements below are true or false.

How To Stick To A New Year's Resolution

1 A friend is important to keep to your resolution.
2 New Year’s Day is just an ordinary life.
3 Choose an area that needs improvement rather than one that needs a radical change.
4 It’s advisable to write your resolution down.
5 It’s advisable to get some help.
6 Monitor your progress throughout the year.
7 Succeeding with your resolution may result in being successful in other areas.
8 We should be careful on how we celebrate our success.
9 Be ambitious. Don’t content yourself if you are successful once.

You can read the script of the video here.

All the statements are true.

H/T  to Free English Lessons on Line. Here you can find a more detailed activity, with some work on the vocabulary that comes up on the video clip.