domingo, 17 de junio de 2012

Rethink breast cancer

To be totally honest, I have been seriously considering whether to post this ad by Rethink, which tries to raise women's awareness to go through regular checks to prevent breast cancer. The ad seems to make light of a very serious health problem, although the ultimate purpose of the message is crystal clear and Rethink's priority is getting younger women to have regular checks.

Self-study activity:
Watch the ad and judge for yourself.
What does TLC stand for?
You can read the transcript below.

This is what Rethink says about Rethink.

Launched in 2001, Rethink is the first-ever, Canadian breast cancer charity to bring bold, relevant awareness to the under-40 crowd; foster a new generation of young and influential breast cancer supporters; infuse sass and style into the cause; and, most importantly, respond to the unique needs of young (or youngish) women going through it.

You may also wish to drop by  Rethink and read about the tons of information about this disease they offer.

Hi, I’m Doctor Rothaford, and it’s come to my attention that many women aren’t checking regularly for breast cancer. I’d love to discuss how we can change that. Since studies have shown that women are more likely to watch a video if it features a hot guy, I’m not going to. He is!
Hey, I’m Anthony and I’m here to talk to you about Re-Think Cancer, your man reminder. It’s an App, it gives you regular reminders to check your breasts from a hot guy of your choice.
Hey there.
How you doing?
Hey baby.
It also shows you how to check yourself. Hello — with a little something we like to call: TLC.
The T stands for touch. Start by touching your breast any way that feels comfortable for you. Try to be familiar with them and they way they feel. You know you can do this anywhere. Like: on your bed. In the mirror. Or even in the shower.
Now the L in TLC stands for Look. For this one, you’re gonna need to use your eyes. Be on the look out for anything unusual. And if you want to, have a friend check you out.
And finally the C in TLC stands for Check. If you notice anything out of the ordinary even if your not sure check with your doctor. Isn’t that right doctor?
That’s right, Anthony! See TLC is a great way to detect Breast Cancer early. Download ReThink breast Cancer Your Man Reminder App today, now available for free in the App Store.