If you click on any of the options in each category, a menu will be displayed in the main area of the webpage with a number of entries concerning that option. Click on an entry of your interest and a full text with practical advice will unfold.
On top of that, the “Safety advice” section offers users some “Safety quizzes” on the right hand side to test their knowledge of safety in several situations.
All in all the Child Accident Prevention Trust provides us with an easy and practical read that will help us improve our reading skills and accident-related vocabulary while we learn some basic safety information that may come in handy at some stage in our lives.
You can complete the Child Accident Prevention Trust information with last year's blog entry First aid videos, which will direct you to the webpage of the British Red Cross and show you videos on how to proceed when dealing with six types of accidents (choking, burns, bleeding, dealing with an unconscious person, asthma attacks and broken bones). The videos are one-minute long and have optional subtitles.