martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012

Real English series: Numbers, age, days and dates

This week's the Real English video series focuses on the topic of numbers from very different perspectives.

First of all, we revise cardinal numbers. You can find some exercises on the Real English site here.

Then we move on to ordinal numbers. You can find some exercises on ordinal numbers on the Real English site here.

Next, it is the age. People on the street answer the question How old are you? You can find some exercises on the age on the Real English site here.

The fourth video to do with numbers is about dates and days. People on the street answer questions like When's your birthday? What day is Christmas? How old are you? How do you spell your name? You can find some exercises on dates and days on the Real English site here.

Finally, it is turn of telephone numbers and the question What's your telephone humber? You can find some exercises on telephone numbers on the Real English site here.