martes, 11 de diciembre de 2012

Real English series: Marital status and describing the weather

We are posting two new videos in the Real English video series. In the first one, people in the street answer the question Are you married? to talk about their marital status.

As usual, the two-minute video is used to revise some other basic information questions that have come up  in the Real English video series so far:

Are you engaged?
How old are you?
What’s your name?
Where do you come from?
What’s your favourite colour?
Would you introduce me your friend?
Where’s your ex-husband?

You can do an online activity about the video on the Real English site here.
You can watch the same video with subtitles on the Real English site here.

In the second video some people in the street answer the question What's the weather like? 

We have already come across the question What's XXXX like? in the Real English series a couple of times before, but to describe someone's personality:

What's John like? = Describe John's personality = What kind of person is John?

The same structure is used when we want someone to describe something for us, be it the weather, a city, an object, a building.

What's London like? (¿Cómo es Londres?)
What's your flat like? (¿Cómo es tu piso?)
What's an Apple PC like? (Cómo son los ordenadores Apple?)

Remember that most of the times we just use adjectives in our answer, and that the preposition "like" is never used in the answer.

What's London like? It's a huge, exciting city.
What's your flat like? It's a bit small, very light and with great views.
What's an Apple PC like? It's faster and much more intuitive.

You can do an online activity about the video on the Real English site here.
You can watch the same video with subtitles on the Real English site here.

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