Through the story of Rebecca, an aspiring singer on a journey across America, Connect with English touches on life's important issues: leaving home, parenting, education, work, love, success, and loss. All of the characters use meaningful, natural language that English students can put to work immediately in their own lives.
The series is divided into four seasons, with twelve episodes each:
1 Big Dreams
2 A New Life
3 Family Bonds
4 Friendship and Love
All the episodes last around 15 minutes and have optional CC subtitles. In addition, practice activities which include grammar, dictation, vocabulary, a quiz on the episode and a diary are offered.
The videos show their age, as they are almost twenty years old, but the quantity and quality of the material make up for everything.
Intermediate students will find in Connect with English a trove of activities to improve and practise their English.
H/T to Larry Ferlazzo.