viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

Self-driving car

Centraal Beheer Achmea is one of Holland’s biggest insurance companies. They have come up with this funny ad for their 2014 campaign.

Self-study activity:
Watch the video and fill in the gaps in the transcript with the missing words.

The activity is suitable for Básico 2 and Intermediate 1 students.

Introducing the (1) ...-... self-driving car. It does the driving for you, so you (2) ...   ... on the more important things in life. It automatically takes the right (3) ... , (4) ... avoid (5) ... obstacles and recognizes red lights (6) ... in advance, (7) ... you a perfectly safe journey every time. The self-driving car, technology is ready for it and so are we.
Centraal Beheer car (8) ... .

Memory test:
Watch the ad through and try to remember all the accidents in the video due to the distractions of drivers and passers-by when seeing the self-driving car.

Talking of distractions when driving, watch the Volkswagen Eyes on the road ad. Stop the video at 00:58" and try to predict what's going to happen next.

1all-new 2 catch up 3 turns 4 effortlessly 5 unexpected 6 farther 7 ensuring 8 insurance