sábado, 4 de septiembre de 2010


Self-study activity: Watch Queen Rania contributing to the 1Goal campaign. First watch the video through (from beginning to end) and then complete each gap in the text below with just one word.

Today there are 72 million children in the world who are denied the chance to go to school. Think about the enormous amount of (1)____________ we are losing every year. These children could be our next generation’s leaders or doctors, teachers and even sports stars. Instead, their lifelong (2)____________ against poverty keeps them out of the classroom.

But it doesn't have to be this way. Education beats poverty and gives children the (3)____________ they need to help themselves. The 1GOAL (4)____________ brings together football stars, FIFA, and millions of fans like you to ensure that education is made available to every child. We’re asking people around the world to lend their voice to the 72 million children out of school by calling on world leaders to (5)____________ the necessary funding to achieve education for all.

It’s Africa’s World Cup moment and together we can leave a (6)____________ for children everywhere. With your help we could have millions of fans cheering not just for their teams but for 1 team and our 1 goal—education for all. Please join 1GOAL. Together we can make education the lasting impact of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Because education beats (7)____________. Join 1GOAL.

Get together with a friend or classmate and discuss these questions: What do you think of the 1Goal campaign? Personally speaking, what are you goals?

Key: 1 potential; 2 struggle; 3 tools; 4 campaign; 5 pledge; 6 legacy; 7 poverty

This activity is adapted from It's Magazine, issue 116