miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012

European stereotypes

As part of the Europa project, newspapers from six European countries (Britain, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, and Italy) were asked to stereotype each other, and then asked cultural commentators in each country to assess how accurate they are.  You can read the articles in The Guardian.

This is the beginning of the article about Spain:

Spanish stereotypes: statistics tell us they have Mondays, too.
The sun, the beach and the noisy fiesta were commodities exploited to attract tourists – in real life, Spaniards work longer hours than most Europeans.

Read about the other stereotypes in the project by clicking on these links.
French stereotypes: Arrogant and good in bed? Bien sûr!
British stereotypes: Do mention the war, please!
German stereotypes: Don't mention the towels
Italian stereotypes: Yes, we are all individuals!
Polish stereotypes: Hard-drinking Catholic zealots? Nie!

You can check how European you are by doing this interactive quiz.