sábado, 25 de febrero de 2012

The power of the telenovela

Self-study activity:
Watch this short clip from PBS and say whether the statements below are true or false.

Watch The Power of the Telenovela on PBS. See more from PBS NewsHour.

1 Telenovelas only interest to the latinos living in Latin America.
2 One of the main factors in telenovelas is that there is hardly any drama.
3 Telenovelas are not a cultural characteristic of Latin America.
4 Dr Michael Rodriguez used to watch telenovelas with his grandmother.
5 For José Fuentes, one of the main factors of the success of soap operas in that the spectator can identify with a number of characters.
6 Telenovelas in Latin America usually go on for many years.
7 Telenovelas air interesting stories which are parallel to those in the lives of many spectators.

1F 2F 3T 4F (with his mother) 5T 6F 7F

You can also read the accompanying blog entry about the topic in The Rundown, a PBS programme.