How organized are you about your homework and the other tasks you have to perform?
Are you distracted by technology, even while it sometimes helps you work more quickly?
What other things get in the way of your organisation?
What systems do you have to accomplish your goals?
What organizational tips would you give to others?
Do you keep to-do lists?
This is the question The New York Times posed their readers a few weeks ago. Get together with the members of your conversation group and discuss the topic of personal organisation.
In preparation for your talking session, you can read Dr David Allen's article in the NYT When Office Technology Overwhelms, Get Organized.
What do you think of Mr. Allen’s ideas?
Could you apply the “two minute” rule of doing anything that takes two minutes or less right away?
Have you articulated big goals for yourself, and do you regularly think about them?
What other methods do you have for staying organized and achieving what you want to achieve?