domingo, 8 de abril de 2012


Signs is a short film about love and fears and the reason for our existence.

A few months ago I came across  Signs on St George International Teacher Training Blog, where Bren Brennan published a fully-fledged lesson on the story for trainee teachers.

What you can read below is an adaptation of Bren's idea, adapted to intermediate students who are working independently or in small study groups. To find out about the original lesson, click on St George's link above.

Lesson idea:
Discuss with your friends before watching the film.
What are the dating habits in your country?
Where do people meet?
How do people meet?
What do you do on the first date?
How easy is it to find a partner?
Is it easier to find a partner in the city or in the country?
There are so many people living in cities, so why are there so many lonely people?
Have you ever been in a situation where you were in a new city and you didn’t have any/many friends?

Watch the film and stop at 3:08
What do you think will happen next?
What would you do if you were him?
Where should he go to meet new friends?
How could he stay in his job but make it more enjoyable for himself?
Should he quit his job?

Start the film at 3:08 and stop again at 3:20
What will happen with that girl?
Who is that girl?
What is her job?

After the film
Were you surprised by the end?
Do you think they will be together in one year?
Do you know about a real life similar story?
Did you like the music?

Now tell the story in your own words.