sábado, 5 de febrero de 2011

New York City prohibits smoking in public places

When the ban on smoking in bars and restaurants is still controversial in Spain, we get this news item about the prohibition of smoking in public places in New York City.

Self-study activity:
Get together with an English speaking friend or relative and, before watching the video, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the ban. If you are both smokers or non-smokers, try to put yourself in the shoes of the group whose view is contrary to you.

Do you agree with the ban in Spain?
Do you think that business will slack as a result of the ban?
Do you think the prohibition in New York is too extreme?
What solutions can you think to deal with the problem?

Now watch the video and check if your ideas are mentioned on the clip.

Multisource political news, world news, and entertainment news analysis by Newsy.com

You can read a transcript of the video here.

H/T to Jeffrey Hill.